Congratulations to the recipients of the Emotional Well-Being and Physical Health summer short course!
The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the Research Department of Behavioural Science and Health at University College London (UCL) are hosting their fourth annual summer short course exploring the linkages between emotional well-being and physical health outcomes July 15-19, 2024.
Learn more about the summer short course recipients below:
Dr Anna Adamecz
Dr Anna Adamecz is Assistant Professor of Economics at the UCL Social Research Institute in London, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Economics of the HUN-REN Centre for Economic and Regional Research in Budapest, and Research Fellow of the Institute for Labor Economics (IZA) in Bonn. She earned her PhD in Economics at the Central European University (CEU). She uses state-of-the-art microeconometric methods and large-scale survey and linked employer-employee-education-health administrative databases to look at the causal effects of educational interventions; intergenerational educational mobility (in particular, first in family university graduates); gender and socio-economic gaps in non-cognitive skills, education, labor market outcomes, health and fertility; and the effects of economic and social shocks on women and the next generations.
Dr. Roni Shafir
Dr. Roni Shafir is a postdoctoral fellow in the Pain and Translational Symptom Science Department at the University of Maryland, Baltimore. She completed her M.A. in Psychobiology and her PhD in Psychology at Tel Aviv University, Israel. Broadly, Dr. Shafir is interested in how the mind influences individuals’ emotional well-being and health. Integrating behavioral, physiological, and neural methods, her current research focuses on the placebo effect, mainly in the context of pain. She is particularly intrigued by the relations between the placebo effect and cognitive self-regulation, namely individuals' ability to actively change their experiences through cognition. Dr. Shafir is also exploring the power of virtual reality as a nonpharmacological tool for pain relief. She aims to translate and communicate scientific insights about the power of the mind to caregivers, patients, and individuals who might benefit from it.
Dr. Antoine Lovell
Dr. Antoine Lovell, MSW, MPA, serves as an assistant professor of social work at Morgan State University, known as the National Treasure. His research primarily investigates the risk and protective factors influencing unhoused youth and emerging adults in public housing. This crucial work is directed toward developing targeted interventions that can significantly improve the living conditions and future outcomes for these vulnerable populations. Prior to his appointment at Morgan State, Dr. Lovell completed a research residency at the University of Pennsylvania's School of Social Policy & Practice. His research has garnered support from the William T. Grant Foundation and was part of a collaborative initiative funded by Trinity Church Wall Street Philanthropies. A strong proponent of using research for social advancement, Dr. Lovell advocates for research as a means of liberation and consensus building, highlighting its importance in enacting meaningful social change. His commitment to these principles was featured in the documentary “Living While Black – Our America,” which addresses racial inequality and structural barriers.
Dr. Austen Anderson
Dr. Austen Anderson is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Southern Mississippi. He leads the Lifestyle, Environment, and Flourishing (LEAF) lab at Southern Miss where he and his team investigate the associations between lifestyle factors (e.g. diet, physical activity, sleep), mental health, and well-being. They place a special emphasis on examining how certain lifestyle behaviors cluster together in daily life, with goals of creating personalized interventions using intensive ideographic methods. The LEAF lab also focuses their research on the impact of engaging with natural environments and factors related to poor sleep. A graduate of the Counseling Psychology PhD program at the University of Miami, he is a licensed psychologist in the state of Mississippi and is heavily involved in the clinical components of graduate student training.