Call for applications

The Network for Emotional Well-being: Science, Practice, and Measurement, a collaborative project between UCSF, UC Berkeley, and Harvard, announces 4 fellowship awards. The awards will support early career researchers– post docs and junior faculty (Assistant Professors or equivalent)--interested in joining an intensive summer short course exploring the linkages between emotional well-being and physical health outcomes. The course is jointly hosted by the Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the Research Department of Behavioural Science and Health at University College London (UCL). The 2022 course will be held in person in London, July 11-15, 2022.
The application form for the 2022 summer short course is now open. Please use the same course application form to apply for the Tuition Fellowship. Applications are due April 1, 2022.
The intensive summer short course will expose scholars to the field of emotional wellbeing and health with an overview of the latest research, methods, and theories. More specifically, the course aims:
To provide up-to-date, state-of-the-art knowledge on the linkages between emotional well-being and physical health outcomes
To teach skills to critically evaluate research in this field
To develop participants’ research skills and their ability to identify appropriate methods that can be used to study emotional well-being and physical health outcomes
To build a network of scholars who will lead the next generation of research in this area
The Summer Short Course Tuition Fellowship will cover the entirety of tuition fees (£1,900; approximately $2550 USD) for 4 scholars to attend the course in the summer of 2022. These tuition fellowships are specifically intended for underrepresented scholars, as defined by NIH, which includes racial/ethnic identity, disability, and under-resourced backgrounds (SES). Fellowship awardees will be responsible for all costs associated with travel, accommodation, and related incidental expenses.
NOTE: You do not need to apply for the summer short course and the tuition fellowship separately. You will opt-in for consideration for the fellowship as part of the summer short course application and submit any additional information at the same time. If you are not selected to receive a tuition fellowship, you can still be accepted into the course, and join at your own expense.
Applicants must have completed a doctoral degree in a relevant field .
Applicants must show evidence of relevant policy, research, or academic experience.
Application Requirements:
Complete the application form
In addition to your contact information, applicants will be asked to submit an updated CV and a brief statement (250 words) outlining how their work applies to this course and how they would benefit from the course material. We suggest preparing these ahead of time.
On the application form, please indicate that you are also applying for the Emotional Well-Being and Physical Health Summer Short Course Tuition Fellowship, and submit any additional information requested.
Reporting Requirements:
A year after completing the course, you will be asked to provide the Network for Emotional Well-being with a short video presentation that outlines how the course has influenced your work, and how you’re using what you learned. Guidelines for the video will be distributed after fellows are selected.