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NEW Brain Aging Pilot Project Award Program

NEW Brain Aging Pilot Project Awards are intended to develop novel research infrastructure and projects that will advance the science of EWB and brain aging in specific areas requiring interdisciplinary partnerships or collaborations.

They will serve two primary purposes. First, we seek to expand the quality, quantity, and translational impact of research into the mechanistic relationships between brain structure and function on one hand and EWB in older adults on the other. Second, we intend to engage investigators new to the study of brain aging and EWB –both those who are early in their careers and have yet to define a topic area for their programs of study as well as investigators who have established research programs in other areas that they can productively extend to include NEW Brain Aging topics.


Application due: 11/31/2021 by 11:59PM (CT)

Announcement of Recipients: 01/31/2022

Project start data (estimated): 02/10/2022 (IRB approval is required to receive the NOA)Final report of the funded study: 01/20/2023

Presentation of the pilot study: Quarterly meeting of New Brain Aging, 2023.

Amount and Period of Support:

1. Funding amounts vary with the type of grant awarded:

-Early Career Investigators grants: $35,000 total costs

-Established Investigator grants: $50,000 total costs

-Collaboration grants for cross-species brain research: $50,000 total costs

*The NEW Brain Aging Network does not fund extra indirect costs. All funds must directly support the proposed research.

2. Studies are limited to 12 months

3. Allowable costs

-Regular salaries and fringe benefits of the postdoctoral fellows and research project staff members (faculty investigators should rely on other resources to fund their effort)

-Research supplies, equipment, and other costs directly related to the proposed study (eg, subject reimbursement, survey administration

-Datasetand data management fees

-Publication costs

-Consultation fees

4.Grant funds may not be used for:

-Indirect/F&A costs



-Large equipment

-Secretarial/administrative costs

-Construction, space modification

-Office equipment


Application should be submitted by 11/31/2021 by 11:59PM (CT) to,,, and with subject on “NEW Brain Aging pilot award application (PI name).”

Please email questions to Learn more about the NEW Brain Aging Center on their website here:


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