We are recruiting one to three highly skilled and motivated individuals to join our NIH funded, collaborative 4-year project: Advancing Psychosocial & Biobehavioral Approaches to Improve Emotional Well-Being (EWB)

The project aims to both catalyze and promote consensus and synergy across multiple and varied approaches to the science of EWB. We are a three site collaborative group: UCSF (Elissa Epel, Wendy Berry Mendes, Alexandra Crosswell, Aric Prather), the Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness at Harvard (Laura Kubzansky), and UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center (Dacher Keltner, Emiliana Simon-Thomas).
Post doctoral fellows will be responsible for a range of activities including study design, lab and field based data collection (either in person, or through digital data collection), large-scale secondary data analyses, the development and evaluation of EWB measures, manuscript preparation, and oral presentations. While applicants with experience in EWB research are preferred, we welcome applicants within a range of areas of expertise that could be applied to EWB, such as big data or health data science (data scraping, machine learning, computational methods for analyzing large, global datasets).
Candidates should have a recent PhD in psychology, public health, or a related field culminating in the conceptual and analytical skills for studying EWB. The successful candidate will be highly motivated with an excellent publication record, superb writing skills, and the ability to work collaboratively and independently.
Interested applicants should submit: 1) a cover letter outlining research accomplishments, current interests, and location preference 2) CV, and 3) a list of three references with contact information including phone number and email address to Emiliana Simon-Thomas at emotionalwellbeing@berkeley.eduby May 14, 2021.
Start date is flexible, earliest is Sept. 1,2021. Postdoc will be located at UCSF, UC Berkeley, or Harvard, depending on research fit, skills, and expertise. The salary is above the minimum NIH postdoctoral scale and the appointments are 1-year with up to 2-years renewal. Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), immigrants, and LGBTQ candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.